Teaching Affairs

Prof. Cui Yaping, Dean, was employed as a member of the Ministry of Education in English Teaching St
Created Time:2013-04-24     Hit:

    Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the notice of " the establishment of the Ministry of Education on the Higher Education Steering Committee " (2013-2017 [2013] No. 4), Professor Cui Yaping was appointed the member of the English Teaching Steering Committee of Ministry of Education, is the only member in the universities among the five provinces Northwestern China.

       Education teaching Steering Committee is led by the Ministry of Education and commissioned by the Ministry for Education, to carry out research, advice, guidance, assessment, and service work for the undergraduate. The current member was recommended by the provincial (counties and municipalities) education administrative departments, universities of the central departments, industry sector (associations) and previous teaching guidance committee recommendation, based on the careful selection of the Ministry of Education and extensive selection of comments. The term of office is from April 1st, 2013 to Dec.31, 2017.