School News

Professor Liu Hong guested the 277th “Hou Wailu Academic Lecture”
Created Time:2023-04-26     Hit:

On April 23, 2023, at 19:00, 277th of the “Hou Wailu Academic Lecture” The Practical Path of Area Studies: Landing at Both Ends, Picking Up in the Middle was held in the Lecture Hall of the Second Classroom of SFL, Northwest University. The lecture was jointly organized by the Social Sciences Department, the School of Foreign Languages, and the Syrian Studies Center of Northwest University. Professor Liu Hongwu, Dean of the African Studies Institute at Zhejiang Normal University, was the speaker, and Professor Wang Xingang, Director of the Syrian Studies Center at Northwest University, presided over the lecture. Nearly a hundred attendees from various departments of the university participated in the lecture.

The scene of the lecture

Professor Wang Xingang first delivered a welcome speech, briefly introducing the outstanding contributions and academic achievements of Professor Liu Hongwu in the fields of African studies and area studies.

Professor Wang Xingang presided over the event

At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Liu Hongwu cut to the chase, taking the example of Sino-African studies, to point out the key essence of “landing at both ends”. That is, in research and practice, China and Africa need to be connected. On one hand, researchers need to have a profound understanding of China’s politics, economy, and current situation so they can view the world from China’s perspective. On the other hand, they need to establish a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of Africa, including its humanities, geography, politics and economy. Taking the African Studies Institute at Zhejiang Normal University as an example, he elaborated on the specific meaning of “picking up in the middle”. At the same time, considering the establishment of our university’s Research Institute of Area Studies” and School of Area Studies, he proposed some ideas and suggestions based on the advantages of our university’s area studies field. Finally, Professor Liu Hongwu pointed out that area studies is an all-encompassing and interdisciplinary subject. In a sense, the establishment of such a discipline also serves as a bridge and platform to better serve the country and society.

Professor Liu Hongwu gave the lecture

At the end of the lecture, Professor Wang Xingang shared his thoughts on the lecture and provided insightful comments. Professor Liu Hongwu patiently and meticulously answered questions from the faculty and students present. The lecture concluded with a captivating short film introducing the African Studies Institute at Zhejiang Normal University, followed by a group photo with attendees.

On-site interactive communication

Group photo for memory