School News

The inaugural NWU undergraduate simulated international conference was held
Created Time:2023-07-04     Hit:

On the morning of July 1st, the inaugural Northwest University undergraduate simulated international conference was held in the Foreign Language Second Classroom at the Chang’an Campus. Nearly a hundred undergraduate students from various departments across the university, including the College of Cultural Heritage, School of Economics and Management, School of Chemistry and Materials Science, and School of History, attended the conference. Under the theme of “Telling China's Story Well”, participants elaborated on the unique charm of Chinese culture from various perspectives such as archaeology, philosophy, language, law, art, architecture, and sustainable development. They showcased the efforts of Northwest University undergraduates in constructing a discourse system for external communication and telling China’s story well.

In response to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on “advancing the construction of international communication capabilities, telling China’s story well, spreading China’s voice, presenting a true, multi-dimensional, and comprehensive China to the world, and enhancing the country’s soft power and the influence of Chinese culture”, and adhering to the original intention of cultivating talents for the Party and the country, the School of Foreign Languages at Northwest University has offered an elective course on “International Conference English” to second-year undergraduate students since the spring semester of 2021.

This simulated international conference reflects bold innovations in the course assessment methods. In addition to traditional paper-based examinations assessing basic knowledge points, the course also adopts a more practical approach by comprehensively assessing students’ application of knowledge learned in this semester through simulated international conferences. Students participated in the entire simulated international conference through various means such as conference organization, chairing, keynote speeches, forum speeches, and poster presentations, experiencing the various processes of international conferences in depth. This lays a solid foundation for representing China on the international stage in the future and showcasing a “credible, lovable, and respectable” image of China.

A group photo of the moderators, speakers, and guiding teachers of the inaugural undergraduate simulated international conference at Northwest University

Group photo of participants in the main conference venue

Keynote speaker delivered the speech

Sub-venue one

Sub-venue two

Sub-venue three

Photo: Li Kangkang

Text: Gao Minna