School News

Prof. Kenneth King from the Edinburgh University spoke at the Distinguished Lecture Series of SFL
Created Time:2023-11-03     Hit:

On October 27, 2023, upon invitation, Professor Kenneth King, the Chair of Comparative and International Education at the University of Edinburgh, delivered a lecture titled "Teaching Chinese to the World: The Role of Confucius Institutes" at the Second Lecture Hall of the Foreign Language School of Northwest University. The lecture was hosted by Dr. Li Siyuan, a postdoctoral student of Professor King and a lecturer in the English Department. Many teachers and students from the School of Foreign Language attended the lecture, and the venue was packed.

During the lecture, Professor King discussed the significance of Confucius Institutes as international platforms for language and cultural dissemination. He began by illustrating the role of "opportunity" in his academic journey, leading to the topic of Confucius Institutes. By presenting various types and operational modes of Confucius Institutes worldwide, Professor King explained their representation of China's soft power. He also acknowledged the challenges faced by Confucius Institutes in Western countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, attributing them mainly to geopolitical factors rather than internal issues. Furthermore, Professor King compared Confucius Institutes with similar institutions in other countries, highlighting both similarities and differences.

Afterwards, Professor King engaged in lively interaction with the audience, addressing their questions patiently and comprehensively. In conclusion, he encouraged faculty and students to explore diverse topics in the field of area studies, emphasizing the importance of cultivating skills of critical thinking. Professor King's wealth of knowledge, approachable demeanor, and unwavering dedication to scholarship even at the age of 83, left a profound impact on the audience.

Photos: Li Xinyue, Xu Yiying, Li Siyuan