School News

The second topic argumentation meeting for the National Social Science Fund project in Country and Region Studies was held
Created Time:2023-01-19     Hit:

Following the successful completion of first National Social Science Fund project topic argumentation meeting in our school, the second Social Science Fund Project Topic Argumentation Meeting of Country and Region Studies was held on the evening of January 18, 2023, at 7 p.m. through Tencent Meeting. This meeting specially invited Professor Li Yanzhi from the School of History of Liaoning University, the chief expert of the major project of National Social Science Fund, along with four professors from Middle East Studies Institute in our university, Han Zhibin, Li Fuquan, Yan Wei, and Jiang Zhen, to provide online guidance on topic selection. Dean Cao Ruonan of our school and more than 10 professional teachers and teachers from the School of History participated in this meeting. During the meeting, the five guiding experts each affirmed the completion of modifications to the argumentation papers submitted by seven teachers, unanimously agreeing that the topics were novel and operable. They also conducted comprehensive and detailed evaluations from various aspects including topic selection, framework, language expression and format, providing many constructive suggestions for improvement. The meeting lasted for four hours, and all attending teachers benefited greatly. Finally, Professor Han Zhibin expressed gratitude to Professor Li Yanzhi for participating in this argumentation meeting and encouraged the teachers to continue their efforts to strive for success in project application.