School Bulletin

Notice to the Apply and Reply Arrangement for the Recruitment of Administrative and Teaching Assista
Created Time:2013-05-24     Hit:

According to The Administrative and Teaching Assistants Recruitment Scheme of the College, the reply stage comes. The arrangement is as follows.

1.Apply( May 23 th——10 a.m.  May 27 th)

Applicants please load down the Application Form of Administrative and Teaching Assistants Recruitment of the College from the College bulletin board or the QQ Net Disk and fill in the form accoding to the acquirements. Each of you can apply two positions. Hand in your form before 10 a.m. May 27 the to the school office.

   2. Draw lots( Morning on May 28 th)

     Applicants please draw lots at 11 a.m. in the School Office (6301) to determine your reply order.

   3.Reply(Afternoon on May 28 th)

Each of you has 7 minutes to do you reply. The former 5 minutes is your self narration including your understanding for your first post and the work plan. The latter 2 minutes you need to answer the questions asked by the judges. If you can’t attend the reply because of illness, you can entrust to the school staff.

Attachment: The Application Form of Administrative and Teaching Assistants Recruitment of the College