School Bulletin

Lecture Series No. 34 of SFL
Created Time:2024-05-27     Hit:

Innovative Thinking on Translation in the AI Era

Speaker: Zhao Qi, Senior Engineer

Chairman: Associate Professor He Hua

Zhao Qi, is the founder of Shaanxi RuiHeng Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd., a member of the China National Democratic Construction Association, and has a Chinese nationality. She is a certified asset appraiser, auditor, senior engineer, international certified public accountant and performance evaluator. Zhao is also a board member of the Shaanxi Provincial Asset Appraisal Association, a youth entrepreneurship mentor with the Communist Youth League of China, and a judge for the China National Undergraduate "Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship" Challenge. She has presided over numerous asset appraisal projects involving enterprise restructuring, listing, bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions. In addition, she is also dedicated to research on the integration of asset appraisal with other professional fields.

Date: May 29, 2024 (Wednesday), 14:00

Location: Lecture Hall 2, School of Foreign Languages, Northwest University  

Organizer: School of Foreign Languages