On the afternoon of November 21, 2023, Professor Tian Hailong, a distinguished professor from China University of Petroleum (Beijing), doctoral supervisor at Tianjin Foreign Studies University, honorary president of the Sociolinguistics Branch of the Chinese Linguistic Society, secretary-general and vice president of the Discourse Studies Professional Committee of the Chinese Comparative Study of English and Chinese Society, and deputy secretary-general of the Symbolic Studies Professional Committee of the Chinese Logic Society, visited the School of Foreign Languages at Northwest University for a Lecture titled Theoretical Paradigms, Analytical Frameworks, and Conceptual Tools of Critical Discourse Analysis. The lecture, moderated by Vice Dean Su Rui from the School of Foreign Languages, was attended by over 100 faculty and students.
Professor Tian Hailong pointed out that Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), after more than 40 years of development, has become an accepted research paradigm in academia. Its theories and methods originate from linguistics and have been applied to numerous fields such as political science, history, journalism, and education, leading to various studies claiming to be CDA. In essence, researchers of CDA have a high consensus on fundamental questions such as what discourse is and what relationship language has with social existence. This consensus forms the theoretical paradigm that must be followed in conducting CDA research. Only on this basis can different paths of CDA research reflect their respective characteristics within their analytical frameworks and use different conceptual tools according to different research purposes. He discussed these issues, explored the innovative development of CDA research based on the traditional understanding of CDA, and highlighted the continuous development achieved through the introduction of new analytical frameworks and conceptual tools.
During the meeting, Professor Tian Hailong engaged in discussions and exchanges with faculty and students on issues related to Critical Discourse Analysis. Through these discussions, participants gained a deeper understanding of the essential characteristics of CDA research.

Lecture by Prof. Tian Hailong

Meeting Room

Professor Tian Hailong presented a book

Post-conference exchange
Text: Li Chaoyan
Photo: Li Jia