On May 6, 2024, the School of Foreign Languages held a “2024 Application Review Meeting for National Social Science Fund of China Project”. Two experts in the field of foreign language and literature, Professor Hu Weihua, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Xi’an University of Engineering, and Professor Feng Zhengbin, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Chang’an University, were invited to provide on-site guidance. The meeting was also attended by Su Rui, Vice Dean of Research, and several faculty members.
Under the chairmanship of vice dean Su Rui, seven faculty members, including Zhang Min and Yang Liu, presented their proposed research topics and raised relevant questions. The two professors provided detailed feedback to answer questions, and offered advice on how to write effective National Social Science project proposals. They shared their experiences on everything from proposal content to formatting, and highlighted both common issues and individual challenges faced by the faculty members.
In the closing remarks, vice dean Su Rui expressed gratitude to the experts for their valuable guidance and support in helping the faculty refine their projects. Dean Su encouraged the faculty to adhere to submission deadlines, carefully consider the experts’ suggestions, and promptly improve the quality of their proposals.


Professor Hu Weihua

Professor Feng Zhengbin

Dean Su Rui